The Town of Bridgton is developing an open space plan. The plan will guide the future of public access to Bridgton's natural resources & recreation areas and inform investment in trail connections around town.
Please take a moment to share your input and help inform Bridgton's open space plan and the 2024 comprehensive plan!
The survey is open from now until January 31st. Anyone who lives, works, or enjoys outdoor spaces in Bridgton is welcome to complete the survey.
Learn more here:
Complete the survey here:
Drop a pin on the town map:
If you need assistance online, or would prefer filling out a paper version of the survey, please see the following resources:
Bridgton Community Center
- One-on-one assistance: Wednesdays (1/4 & 1/11) 11:30am - 2:00pm
Bridgton Public Library
- One-on-one assistance: Fridays from 2 - 4pm
- Public access computers are available Tue: 9-6, Wed: 9-5, Fri: 9-5, Sat: 9-3
Paper copies are available at the Bridgton Community Center, Bridgton Public Library, Bridgton Town Office, Loon Echo Land Trust office.